I have some basic questions, and I need their answers.
- I want to send a cold email to my subscribers to get their location, and after obtaining the location, I want to retarget them. However, after sending the email, I see different IP addresses and locations. I previously received an answer on this forum that antivirus or system tools might open the user's email, causing multiple IP addresses to show. But now, how can I determine the location? IP locations are different, and I want to run a location-wise campaign next. I have data where multiple locations are coming for one user.
- This is something I've wondered for a long time. If a recipient simply marks messages as read, without actually opening them, how does that affect tracking? Does marking it read send the same stats back to the tracker as if the message was actually opened?
- In Mumara One, how accurate are user stats? Because, for retargeting, it's crucial that the stats are correct, as our campaigns are designed based on them, such as IP location, browser, city, country, etc.