Identify Inactive Contacts in A Segment


Mar 20, 2021
It is important to me to keep my lists clean and to move inactive contacts off the list for a number of reasons.

-It improves my open and click through rates
-It improves my deliverability as ESPs don't like seeing most of your emails going unopened
-It saves me money. No point in paying to send email to a large number of contacts that never open my emails.

Right now I can set up a segment and trigger that will identify users who have not opened a specific broadcast, or any broadcast but not over a period of time.

For example, lets say I want to designate a contact as "Inactive" once 90 days have gone by without them opening any email broadcasts. Right now the current segmentation cannot do that. If someone begins active and opens my emails but then goes 12 months ignoring them I don't have a method to identify and segment those contacts.

I think the easiest way to achieve this is to add a timeline function to the Segment by activity tool. So in the "select criteria" menu add a new option that is "Hasn't opened any broadcast in a number of days" and then if selected allow the user to type in the number of days desired.

Once this functionality is in place I can use triggers to move inactive contacts to a re-engagement list where I can send a series of drips designed to "wake up" the contact over a number of days and then of course give up if they never respond. This maximizes the odds of reengaging users who don't open anymore while also keeping the list clean and saving me money.


Staff member
Apr 9, 2019
Mumara has filtering available for the "has opened" case. I have put it on in the pipeline so add the duration options for the "hasn't case".


Staff member
Apr 9, 2019
yes, it will include all the duration filters that we have for the "has opened" option.