@timonin2 ,
Adding a CNAME alone is not enough to complete the task. When you add a CNAME, it simply means that your tracking domain points to the Mumara server. However, the Mumara server does not recognize the tracking domain yet. To accomplish this, you must create a virtual host for the tracking domain in your Mumara server and link it to the Mumara folder. This creates a two-way handshake. To verify this, try accessing the tracking domain, which should open the Mumara page.
Now let's talk about SSL. The main domain has no connection to the tracking domain once you have set up the CNAME because it now points to the Mumara server. As a result, the SSL certificate must be installed on the Mumara server.
In my opinion, completing the two tasks below will resolve the issue:
1. Create a virtual host for the tracking domain in your Mumara server
2. Install an SSL certificate for the tracking domain in your Mumara server
Note: If you have a control panel, you can add the tracking domain as an addon domain inside the Mumara hosting account and point it to the Mumara installation directory. You can then look for options to install an SSL certificate. If you are familiar with it, you can also install a wildcard certificate.
Lastly, keep in mind that server-level knowledge is required for this task, so make sure you know what you're doing.